There Should Be A Way To Reset On The Keyboard So You Don't Get Softlocked, But Neat Puzzle Game.
There Should Be A Way To Reset On The Keyboard So You Don't Get Softlocked, But Neat Puzzle Game.
Excelent Story, Real Jank Controls
This Feels Like An Open World Game. Very Fun, I Like How You Control It Like A Snake Game, But The Environment Is Very Different.
I'd Give This 4 Starts But I Think I'm Supposed To Give It 3
Glad there's one this year! Wait where are the skins-
Edit: Oh Sick They Added Skins Now!
Another Edit: Fireplace Is A Banger Song.
This one's the best one.
I ate too much MEGDONALTZ and now my glomach HURTS!
I Love All The Different Rules That Change Up The Game.
Incredible Game, I Like The Difficulty But Could Definitely Use A Save Feature. Epic Memes And References, And If You Add Saving In An Update Then I'll Change My Rating To 5 Stars. I Played This In English Class, English Class Again, Biology Class, And Eventually Beat It At My Home. Sick Game.
You Keep Making Legendary Games
Love The Camera Tricks!
I'm working on a game and I make the Man and Red Man movies. Those are pretty much the only important things going on on my account.
Shrek's Swamp School
Shrek's Swamp
Joined on 2/8/21